It appears that many of us living in the United States are side sleepers and sleep on our left sides. "A link between bedroom furniture and cancer seems absurd, but this, the researchers conclude, is the answer".
Changing your mattress, topper, sheets, duvet and pillows all at once would be ideal, but not everyone may be financially able to replace all of their bedding. A topper is a great start, but pillows are where we lay our heads all night long and what we breathe for as long as we are asleep. A good start would be replacing your current pillow with a chemical-free pillow which is a great step toward a healthier night of sleep.
To help you achieve a healthier bedroom during this 3-day weekend, use code LeftSided and get 25% off any Topper, Duvet or Pillow listed on our website. If you order before Sunday at 6 pm, you will also get a FREE Travel Pillow made with kapok in the inside and organic sateen GOTS certified fabric on the outside. Please share this news with family and friends!