What if I told you that by sleeping on traditional mattresses, pillows, and sheets, you might be losing out on better sleep and health benefits? Could an increase in the number of people demanding organic products help reduce the prices of organic products?
I believed so much in this idea that 5 years ago, we developed a way for green and organic entrepreneurs to select Organic Made in the USA products for their new ventures. Plus, our recent price reductions make it even easier to make the switch to a healthier, greener lifestyle. 💚
So, why Snooze Organic & Don’t Lose?
I'd like 100 of you to answer 3 questions so we can find a better way for everyone to understand this.
We'll gather feedback from your experiences and create a Snooze Organic & Don't Lose page where we can all share and read questions and answers about the importance of sleeping organically. Many of us focus on eating organic 🌱 and locally grown food 🥦, as well as using eco-friendly transportation 🚲, but we often overlook the quality of the air we breathe when we sleep. 😴
The chemicals in traditionally made pillows and mattresses may contribute to conditions like Autism, and chemical and allergic sensitivities." 😞