In celebration of our 30th Anniversary, White Lotus Home is donating 30 green bedding gifts to families or people in need. To participate, please reply in the comment section below. 

We'd like to hope those most in need, and we understand that some stories are best told privately. If this is the case for you, please feel free to leave a brief note below with a request to be further contacted by someone at White Lotus to discuss how we might be able to help you.

We're encouraging anyone who's recently been effected by a natural disaster, traumatic life event, or major medical issue. We'd also like to encourage anyone or families suffering from severe chemical sensitivities or allergies to reach out to us. 

Please feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with. We hope to make this 30th Anniversary a celebration of both our company and of how Green and Organic Bedding can improve your health, your life, and the earth we all share.

Posted by Marlon Pando on 

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